Principal's Message

Aloha Aiea Intermediate Ohana,

It is with a mixture of gratitude, pride, and some sadness that I announce my departure from Aiea Intermediate School. After two years of serving as your principal, the time has come for me to embark on a new chapter in my life.

I look back fondly at memories that we have shared. Together, we have witnessed academic achievements, celebrated numerous milestones, and navigated challenges that have made us stronger as a community. Our collective dedication to creating a safe, nurturing and inspiring environment for our students is a work in progress that I know will continue..

Academically, we continue to strive for excellence for all of our students.  We also have provided them with many opportunities to learn through different means in developing the whole child.  Mahalo to our students, staff, families and community for creating this atmosphere at AIS.

As I bid farewell, I am confident that AIS PRIDE will continue to thrive and reach new heights under the capable leadership of my successor. The future is bright, and I am excited to see the continued growth and success of our school community.

To our students - your enthusiasm, curiosity, and resilience have been a constant source of inspiration for me. You are the heart of our school, and I am incredibly proud of each one of you.  Your future is unlimited, if you think you can’t - change your mind because YOU CAN!  Develop your dreams and pursue them with all your heart.  Chase your passions and what makes you happy, don’t just chase money.

To our staff -  your unwavering dedication and passion for education have been the cornerstone of our success. It has been an honor to work alongside such a talented and committed team. Mahalo for looking out for our students’ safety and supporting their growth and success. To our parents, guardians and families - your support and trust in our school allowed us to work with you to develop your children into maturing teens who will lead us into the future.. Together, we have created a strong foundation for our students' future. To our community partners - Your contributions and collaborations have enriched our school in countless ways. Thank you for being an integral part of our ohana.

The PRIDE I see in our students, staff, families, community and alumni is something that will always stick with me.  The pride is real and justified.  Keep taking care of each other in our community which makes Aiea special.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your principal. It has been a short and extraordinary journey; I am deeply grateful for the memories and experiences we have shared.

With Aloha,  James Kau