Dear Parents/Guardians,

The annual School Quality Survey (SQS) allows parents and guardians an opportunity to give important feedback to the Hawaii Department of Education. The survey measures your perceptions of the safety and well-being of your child and your satisfaction and involvement/engagement with the school. All responses are anonymous and will be used by schools for continuous improvement purposes. As a parent/guardian, this is an opportunity for your voice to be heard.

Beginning on WEDNESDAY, January 8, 2025, there are two options for taking the SQS:

Option 1 -  Paper survey. All students will receive an envelope with a parent letter, the survey, and a postage paid envelope enclosed. The survey may be placed in the mail directly or returned to the school. Instructions for accessing the survey online are also provided in the student envelope. 


Option 2 -  Electronic survey. If you would prefer an electronic version of the survey, please access it as this link: 

For your information, a copy of the letter sent home with students is linked below: 
2024-25 SQS Parent Letter

Parents are asked to complete the SQS between January 8 and March 12, 2025.

Please complete a separate survey for each child at AIS.

Thank you for taking the time to help us gather this valuable feedback!